Wikification guide

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This is a guide to simple wikification. It is by no means a complete tutorial concerning the intricacies of a wiki, but is intended to give a novice a place to start. You might also find the Wikipedia tutorial useful.


Standard text formatting

Bold and Italics

To italicize text, surround it with two apostrophes.

This is ''italicized''.

This will produce:

This is italicized.

To embolden text, surround it with three apostrophes.

This is '''bold'''.

This produces:

This is bold.

You can both bold and italicize text as well.

This is '''''bold and italicized'''''.

And you'll get:

This is bold and italicized.

These can be done anywhere within a page, including image captions and links.


To indent something, insert a colon in front of it. It must be the first thing on the line you are indenting. Multiple colons can be used for varying degrees of indentation; the more that are used, the more something will be indented. This is especially useful during discussions, as it will create a thread that can be more easily followed and responded to.

:This is how you indent something.

::This is how you indent something else.


This is how you indent something.
This is how you indent something else.


You can produce two kinds of lists: a standard bullet list and a numeral list. A standard bullet list is produced by using asterisks. Subsections of bullet lists can be made by using multiple asterisks:

  • First statement.
    • Something about the first statement.
      • Yet another thing.
  • Second statement.

You get the point. Numeral lists are more straightfoward; they are made using a pound or hash sign.

  1. First item.
  2. Second item.
  3. Third item.

And so on.


As you can see, at the top of this page there is a Table of Contents. A Table of Contents is automatically generated when you use tags to denote sections and/or subsections. You can denote a section or subsection using double or triple equal signs.

==This is a section==
===This is a subsection===

What this produces is in front of you. Text for a section will be made larger, and will have a line beneath it. Text for subsections will be bolded and made larger, but not as large as the text for a section. You can actually insert up to four equal signs on either side of a subsection to create a sub-sub-section, but this is rarely necessary.


Internal links

Internal links, also known as wikilinks, are created using two brackets on either side of the text to be linked.

[[Main Page]].

This will get you a link to the main page.

Main Page.

Note that underscores are inserted automatically in the place of spaces.

You can also create a wikilink to an article that doesn't exist yet. This will make the link red and following it will take you to a page that will let you edit and create the article.

[[This article does not exist]].

So you'll have...

This article does not exist.

Finally, you can use a pipe to change the text of a link but make it so it still directs to the proper page.

[[Main Page|This will take you to the main page]].
This will take you to the main page.

Simple. Now, on to...

External linking

External linking isn't difficult, but it can get a little confusing if you're working with long URLs. External links are created similar to wikilinks but with one pair of brackets instead of two.

[ The World Wind homepage]
The World Wind homepage

Now, notice how you don't need to use a pipe here. Just include a space after the URL and insert whatever text you want the link to be.

It's wise to include something as the text for the link, even if you just paste the URL there. Otherwise your reader has no idea where the link goes (barring mousing over it).


What this IS useful for is an inline citation. Each instance of a URL like this will assume the next number in the sequence, making citations easy to keep track of.

That's about it. Thanks for reading, and happy wiki-ing. Webmaster forums.

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