Summer of Code 2006 Ideas

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Google Summer of Code discussion...



OpenGL port

Port World Wind to use OpenGL instead of Managed DirectX

Student-Teacher Interaction System

It would be great if a 'teacher' could right click on a layer and click Share, or click on the globe to add a shared icon for everyone to see. Of course this doesn't have to be limited to schools, it would also be nice for presentations for example. Lots of extra features could be added, for example the host could ask clients to all move to a certain location ("find the Eiffel tower, kids!") and a list would indicate who passed and who failed. Of course the view could be locked or free, could disable toolbars and menu items, turns layers on and off, activate plugins, etc etc.

Easy Data Addition

An interface with which users (even beginners) could prepare any maps/imagery/data they might have (ideally without the need to know anything about map projections) and get it into WW, in a format which could be distributed easily....ome way for individual large images to be manipulated (think Image Overlay with handles), then tiled in WW format with the ability to rejoin as a properly geo-referenced image with a world file or header info like geotif (think Tile Render with more control), as well as a way to easily substitute different map scales at different zoom levels (like USGS TopoMaps). On top of wanting all this, I think WFS/other vector data support is really important to shoot for, and Tiger data should be easily added.

A similar idea from another message:

A streamlined process for getting more data into WW. A stand alone program that can load data from a variety of formats -- terrain models, lines & polyons from shapefiles, points from a geodatabase, ortho images from tiff's in the filesystem, geocoded street network from a WFS server -- and package it all up into distributable WW cache pack. For the bonus round the cache pack can be wrapped up nicely in an installer and plonk an icon down on the tool dock.

Integrated browser

The disconnect between clicking on a point of interest which links to web page is a little disconcerting. Often the user can be easily fooled into thinking nothing is happening if the browser opens behind WW, which happens readily when the user clicks the mouse again, refocussing on the WW window, before the browser has a chance to fire up and load the page.

I'm not thinking of a full blown browser, more like what you would see on a PDA or mobile phone. Text and simple pictures, like the Sage RSS extension for Firefox, but in a single column and no menus side or tool bars. Perhaps in a translucent popup window like the layer manager.

Personal tools