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Mars the Red planet - Click to enlarge
Mars the Red planet - Click to enlarge
MDIM Layer - Click to enlarge
MDIM Layer - Click to enlarge
Colour Layer - Click to enlarge
Colour Layer - Click to enlarge
Shaded elevation Layer - Click to enlarge
Shaded elevation Layer - Click to enlarge

The red planet Mars is now viewable from within World Wind (using version 1.3.4 or above) and has full 3D terrain. For more information on whats new in 1.3.4 visit What's new in 1.3.4.


[edit] Introduction to Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, named after the Roman god of war, it is 1/2 the size of Earth (see figure 1), and its red appearance is mainly due to iron oxide on the surface.

figure 1 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
figure 1 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

For a much more detailed description see the wikipedia Mars page, a NASA tour of Valles Marineris video, two educational pages at NASA Learning technologies planet Mars and What's The Difference, and a NASA fact sheet about Mars.

[edit] Mars Tutorial

A flash tutorial that explains how to view Mars in World Wind can be found at the World Wind Tours Homepage.

[edit] Viewing Mars

You can view Mars by either double clicking the 'World Wind Mars 1.3' desktop icon (see the image on the right of this page), selecting Start->Programs->NASA->World Wind Mars 1.3, or after launching World Wind by switching to Mars from the File menu.

[edit] Mars Layers

The different Mars layers can be toggled on and off by clicking the corresponding icon in World Winds toolbar (see image below).

Please note - When you load Mars for the first time your screen may appear blank for a minute or two while the default image is downloaded, please be patient.

MOC 256

MOC Colorized

High resolution greyscale imagery, created using imagery from the Mars Orbital Camera. More information about the Mars Orbital Camera can be found at the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Geodesy Campaign Mosaic page.

High resolution color imagery, created using MOC imagery. More information about the Mars Orbital Camera can be found at the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Geodesy Campaign Mosaic page.

MOLA Colored

MOLA Color

Elevation Map, created using data from JPL. The color of the map represents the elevation. The highest points are represented in red. The lowest points are represented in black.

Shaded relief derivied from altimetry, colorized by elevation. 128 ppd/460m, created using data from MOLA. The color of the map represents the elevation.


Mars THEMIS Color

High resolution greyscale imagery, 256 ppd/230m, created using data from NASA Mars Odyssey/THEMIS. More information about the Thermal Emission Imaging System can be found at the THEMIS Project homepage.

High resolution color imagery, 256 ppd/230m, created using data from NASA Mars Odyssey/THEMIS. More information about the Thermal Emission Imaging System can be found at the THEMIS Project homepage.


High resolution greyscale imagery, created using a single spectral band. More information about the Mars Global Digital Image Mosaic can be found at the MDIM Project homepage.

[edit] Mars Add-ons

For information on how to use World Wind add-ons visit the Add-on Launchpad.

[edit] Mars Missions

The Mars Missions add-on displays the locations of various NASA related Mars landings. For more information and to download this add-on please visit the Mars Missions add-on page.

[edit] Olympus Mons structural features

This is a map of the visible structural features around Olympus Mons. For more information and to download this add-on please visit the Olympus Mons structural features add-on page.

[edit] Mars global geology

This is a map of the equatorial and polar regions of Mars representing an advanced study of the geology afforded by the high resolution, and nearly complete coverage of the Viking Orbiter images. For more information and to download this add-on please visit the Mars global geology add-on page.

[edit] Mars landmarks (fictional)

This add-on shows landmarks taken from maps in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series of novels. For more information and to download this add-on please visit the Mars landmarks (fictional) add-on page.

[edit] Mars Videos

This is a collection of Martian flyovers created using World Wind.

[edit] Martian Hotspots

Interesting places on the Lunar surface, click the links for more information, or click the worldwind button to visit the location in World Wind.

Olympus Mons

Valles Marineris

Face of Cydonia

Mars Smiley


[edit] Related Links

[edit] Credits

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