How to Get Involved

From World Wind Wiki

Revision as of 18:01, 22 July 2009 by Mkpl (Talk | contribs)
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There are several ways that you can Contribute to the World Wind project. As you contribute you'll probably want to get in contact with other contributors. There are three ways that the contributors communicate: Forums, Chat and Mailing Lists.


Working with Code

If you like working with source code you can contribute to the development of World Wind or create add-ons.

Helpful links:

Working with Words

If you prefer the written word, there is a lot you can contribute to this wiki. Some areas that need focus are getting the World Wind Users Document, World Wind Walkthrough Tutorial, and Glossary complete.

People who speak a language other than English can help with Translating the installer.

Helpful link:

Working with People

If you like dealing with people then you can help contribute by reading and responding to the Forums and the Chat. Every question that you answer saves NASA staff time.

Other Work

Take Jira issues that are marked Resolved, verify they were fixed correctly, and then Close them (add a comment about how you tested the fix).

There are a lot of bugs and feature requests that need to be moved into the issue tracker. Check World Wind Issues for more information.

Help is required in locating free image sources, especially non-USA data sources. If you can track down where these are stored, and any licensing / copyright problems, it will give the developers a leg up and speed up the process of integrating additional imagery.

Make a Donation

World Wind Central is funded completely by donations. By donating you help keep the World Wind community and World Wind Central alive.

Go to the donations page or click the "Make a Donation" button at the top of this page or the "PayPal Donate" button at the bottom of this page to make a monetary donation to World Wind Central.

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