Porting WW: Needed Functionality
From World Wind Wiki
[edit] Needed Functionality
This currently is an mostly complete list of the Microsoft.DirectX functionality within WorldWind. You can view the current status here Porting_WW:_Current_DirectX. This list needs to analyzed and trimmed to the minimum before selecting a 3D engine.
- Caps - Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the Microsoft Direct3D object.
- CustomVertex
- CustomVertex.PositionColored[] - custom vertex format structure that contains postion and color information
- CustomVertex.TransformedColored[] - custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices and color information
- Device - provides access to devices, properties, set behavior, perform initialization, etc.
- BeginScene - Begins a scene.
- Clear - Clears the viewport or a set of rectangles in the viewport to a specified RGBA color, clears the depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer.
- DeviceCaps – Retrieves the capabilities of the rendering device [where used?]
- MaxTextureHeight – Retrieves the maximum texture height for the current device.
- SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight -
- DeviceLost - Occurs when a device is about to be lost (for example, immediately prior to a reset).
- DeviceReset - Occurs after a device is reset, allowing an application to re-create all Pool.Default resources.
- DeviceResizing - Occurs when a device is resizing, allowing the application to cancel the default handling of the resize.
- EndScene - Ends a scene that was started by calling the Device.BeginScene method.
- Lights - Retrieves the LightsCollection collection on the current device.
- Present - Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device
- RenderState - Retrieves a render-state value for a device.
- Reset - Resets the presentation parameters for the current device.
- SamplerState - Retrieves a device's sampler states.
- SetTexture - Assigns a texture to a device stage.
- TestCooperativeLevel - Reports the current cooperative-level status of the Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application.
- TextureState - Retrieves a state value for an assigned texture.
- Transform - Retrieves a matrix that describes a transformation state.
- Projection
- View
- World
- VertexFormat - Retrieves or sets the supported flexible vertex formats.
- Viewport - Retrieves or sets the viewport parameters for the current device.
- Height
- Width
- DeviceType - Specifies a device type.
- Hardware
- Reference
- Font - Encapsulates the textures and resources needed to render a specific font on a specific device.
- DrawText – draws formatted text
- FontDescription - Defines the attributes of a font.
- FaceName - Retrieves or sets the name of the font.
- Height - Retrieves or sets the height of the font in logical units
- IsItalic - Determines whether a font is italic.
- Quality - Retrieves or sets the output quality of a font.
- Weight - Retrieves or sets the weight of a font.
- Format - Defines various types of surface formats.
- Dxt3 - DXT3 compression texture format.
- ImageFileFormat - Defines the supported image file formats.
- Line - Implements line drawing using textured triangles.
- Begin - Prepares a device to draw lines.
- Draw - Draws a line strip in screen space. Input is in the form of an array that defines points (of Vector2) on the line strip.
- End - Restores the device to the state it was in when Line.Begin was called.
- Manager - Provides information about the environment, and enumerates and retrieves device capabilities.
- GetDeviceCaps - Retrieves information specific to a device.
- Matrix – describes and manipulates a matrix
- LookAtRH - Builds a right-handed look-at matrix.
- Multiply - Determines the product of two matrices.
- PerspectiveFovRH - Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view (FOV).
- RotationAxis – Builds a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary axis
- RotationYawPitchRoll - Builds a matrix with a specified yaw, pitch, and roll.
- RotationZ - Builds a matrix that rotates around the z-axis.
- Translation - Builds a matrix using specified offsets.
- Quaternion - describes and manipulates a quaternion
- RotationAxis - Builds a quaternion that is rotated around an arbitrary axis.
- RotationYawPitchRoll - Builds a quaternion with the given yaw, pitch, and roll.
- Plane – describes and manipulates a plane
- Normalize – returns the normal of a plane
- PresentParameters - Describes the presentation parameters.
- AutoDepthStencilFormat - Retrieves or sets the DepthFormat of the depth stencil surface the device creates.
- BackBufferHeight - Retrieves or sets the height of a swap chain's back buffers, in pixels.
- BackBufferWidth - Retrieves or sets the width of a swap chain's back buffers, in pixels.
- EnableAutoDepthStencil - Retrieves or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D manages depth buffers for an application.
- PresentationInterval - Retrieves or sets the maximum rate at which the swap chain's back buffers can be presented.
- SwapEffect - Retrieves or sets the swap effect.
- Windowed - Boolean value that indicates whether an application is running in a windowed mode.
- Sprite – provides methods and properties to simplify the drawing of sprites
- Begin - Prepares a device for drawing sprites.
- Dispose - Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the Sprite object.
- Draw - Adds a sprite to the list of batched sprites.
- End - Restores the device to the state it was in before Sprite.Begin was called.
- Transform - Retrieves or sets a Matrix object.
- Surface – queries and prepares surfaces
- Description – description of a surface
- SurfaceDescription – describes a surface
- Height
- Width
- Texture
- GetLevelDescription – retrieves a level description of a texture
- GetSurfaceLevel – retrieves the specified texture surface level
- LockRectangle – locks a rectangle on a texture resource
- TextureLoader.FromFile – Creates a texture from a file
- TextureLoader.FromStream – creates a texture from a file in memory
- UnlockRectangle – unlocks a rectangle on a texture resource
- Filter [enum] – defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage
- LockFlags [enum] – defines the type of lock to perform
- Pool [enum] – Memory class that holds buffers for a resource
- Vector2 - Describes and manipulates a vector in two-dimensional (2-D) space.
- Vector3 – Describes and manipulates a vector in three-dimensional (3-D) space.
- Cross – Determines the cross product of two 3-D vectors
- Dot - Determines the dot product of two 3-D vectors
- LengthSq – Returns the square of the length of a 3-D vector
- Normalize – returns the normalized version of a 3-D vector
- Project – Projects a vector from object space into screen space.Scale - Scales a 3-D vector
- Subtract - Subtracts two 3-D vectors
- TransformCoordinate – Transforms a 3-D vector or an array of 3-D vectors by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1.
- Unproject - Projects a vector from screen space into object space.
- ViewPort - Retrieves or sets the viewport parameters for the current device.
- MaxZ
- MinZ